
Sarah Morris of Magitha’s Boutique Wins Kitschy Mirror!

ImageThis is the winner of the Kitschy Mirror I gave away at the Kennedale Art in the Park show, Sarah Morris of Magitha’s Boutique.  Sarah is one of those people you LOVE to win things.  Like when they give something really cool away on the radio and you are trying to be the 325th caller and then all of a sudden they answer the phone and they are not talking to you.  So as you hear the DJ give away a month vacation in Paris, France (not Texas) all expenses paid and a $10,000 spending spree at the fashion houses, you can hardly believe your ears (and neither can the DJ) when the winner is totally underwhelmed.  “You mean, I didn’t win the Incubus tickets, man?”  “Okay, wrong station, sir” and the DJ cuts to a commercial.  Well this is NOT the case with Sarah.  People were coming to my booth and saying “Did someone win the mirror????!!!!!”  Sarah is joy compacted in a cute, energy packed bundle of blonde fun.  She and her darling partner and best friend Megan Childers own and operate “Magitha’s Boutique”, a fun, kitchy, blingy, frilly, little business that has anything from little baby girl headbands to tutu’s to gorgeous big girl BLING jewelry!  Well, there’s just too much to list here so visit them and book a party!  We will be partnering soon for a Mosaic Art Party/Magitha Party and it will be a BLAST!  These girls turn every occasion into a big, ol’ hulabaloo and they are MY kind of folks!


Mystic River Bridge


This bridge is actually located in Fort Worth, Texas and the photo taken by my good friend and most talented photographer, Chris Emory.  I gaze into this misty, foggy morning and I am amazed at how easily the eye can become relaxed, unfocused, most sensitive to the peripheral.  I remember reading classics like Little Women or The Little Princess and getting lost in the foggy streets of London or a cozy, attic room at the tip top of Marmee’s house.  I never could decide which ‘little woman’ I was. Now, I realize all the women were a composite dissected of women in general.  We are complicated,  We are complex.  We sometimes can’t even describe what we are feeling, we just know that we do!  Men don’t seem to understand that we are just as miserable sometimes as we are making THEM!  Maybe that’s why I love cloudy, gloomy, sleepy days.  Chilly, peaceful, foggy nights.  There’s just something very ‘womb-like’ on a foggy, hazy night.  We are enveloped in a mist that softens all the edges of our world.  We are introduced delicately to each step we take.  The low sound of a fog horn bellowing off the Connecticut coast sounds like a call for all to come inside, light the fire, light the lamps, gather your warmest, fuzziest blankets and slippers and have a peaceful cup of chamomile tea.Image

Come see me at Kennedale Art in the Park this weekend!


Come on by for a RAFFLE! 

I will be in booth #38 at Kennedale’s Art in the Park!  March 30th, 31st and April 1st.  Come see all my new art and visit.  Ken will be baking up some gourmet cookies and maybe even some cornbread and butter for my evening guests!

I’ll be holding a raffle, too….so either sign up through my contact page here and put ‘raffle’ in the subject line or better yet, come out to Kennedale and see the mirror in person (this picture does not do it justice) and sign up in person.  Your name will be in the hat!  This mirror is COVERED in beads, glass kittens, pearls and surrounded by hot pink boa feathers!  A girl’s dream!  Retails for $180!  Raffle will be held Sunday night after the show and I will notify the winner on Monday!


Spring Gallery Night – March 24, 2012


How exciting!  I didn’t even KNOW there was a spring gallery night.  Fall Gallery Night was so incredible and now I can’t wait to see everyone at Times Ten Cellars on March 24, 2012.  Times Ten Cellars is a little winery located at 1100 Foch Street, Fort Worth, TX 76107.  Lots of new art, WINE and other assorted adult beverages.  Come see me!